Thursday, May 12, 2016

not registering

FACT:  There are countless things that my husband totally nails in our relationship.  There are a few that are a challenge.  A couple that are beyond his ken, flat-out aren't on his radar, absolutely not registering in his psyche until I shake my head in disbelief.  

If those things were giving points to indicate their importance, the couple that just don't, never will register are at the top.  They are the ones that leave me feeling the most nakedly vulnerable, that go zap! straight to my once crushed & crumpled heart. 

Love that word - once.  Because while it still irks me, they don't emotionally devastate me as they did.  Am looking forward to it not even irking me anymore.

The reality is that I was open from the earliest days of our relationship about the things that left me feeling emotionally gutted.  Did what I was able.  And if John was able to do things differently, that would cut me up.  But there's no changing something that doesn't register.  It's not on his radar & no amount of my getting whacked out is putting it there.

So, recognize that he grinds me down only >< much in our relationship - and that  ><  s 100% unintentional - while lifting me up...
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much.  Comparing the profit to loss columns, I clearly come out waaaaaay ahead! 

And think of the endless opportunities it offers for my greater personal growth....

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