Thursday, April 7, 2016

alas, worthy of Lemony Snicket

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Today is my sister, Mim's, birthday.  She would have been 72.  Throughout the day, have found my thoughts turning to what remains of my family - me, my two brothers, my sister-in-law, nieces & their husbands & daughters, a married nephew & one who's single.  

Still feel my heart wince, remembering that the only one who reached out - beyond a Facebook post - when Mim was hospitalized & died, after her memorial tribute, was my niece, Karen.  Not a card or a call from the others.   

People have a seriously hard time accepting that it's not personal.  None of them - even my parents  - gave any sign they considered me within the family circle.  Not that I realized it, myself.  Was pretty clueless for my first 50+ years.  I knew that my drawing breath at the same time bugged them, but took forever to realize how much.  There I was, acting as if I had a natural, legitimate place in the family, when the folks who mattered knew it wasn't so.   

From reading the growing cache of letters recently rediscovered in our houseclearing & cleaning Big Dig, no one seemed more exasperated by my presumptuous presence than my sister-in-law, Kerry.

That AH HA! came out reading the letters as a cohesive unit instead of piecemeal.  Their timeline revealed how the emotional explosion of early Summer 1997 was a cascade of KABOOM! reactions of long-buried issues, triggered by actions I innocently set in motion.

Suffice it to say, the situation involved money - never a good thing to mess around with & all too easy mess up.  It involved money & a series of unfortunate events worthy of Lemony Snicket.

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An unfortunate series of events that I bungled.  It mattered not one whit that I had only the best intentions, that I truly truly truly wanted to do what seemed fair for everyone, including me & mine. Looking back, can see in crumpled hindsight that the situation was predestined to blow up in my face and set off a string of long concealed resentments & rancor none of us saw coming.     

Yes, I was a total doofus to not realize how much & how long I'd gotten under my sister-in-law's skin, how many grievances she had against me that she'd never brought out into the open, never discussed.  
Then, again - why would I?  For a quarter century, Kerry lectured & hectored Mike's family for avoiding conflict, lacking the guts to look them in the face & bring them up.  Call me a dork, but my blunt, outspoken sister-in-law was the last person I expected to not walk her talk.  Sheez, was I wrong!

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It's been healing, reading over the recently rediscovered letters, seeing how many times she was irked or outraged by me - and never said a peep.  Time & time again, she brings up things I did that cut deep - and that she kept silent, buried in her heart.   

Our great falling out - and her later falling out with Mom over another stupefying situation - was inevitable.  It never dawned on me that what Kerry said about being being addressing sensitive issues could be so much a polar opposite to her deepest feelings.  

The collected letters are a blessing from the Universe that surfaced in my life at just the right time, when rethinking family was thrust upon me.  It feels like a mitzvah from Mim.  Her death could have brought her sibs together, started a healing.  Instead, the blessing was in giving me a space to reimagine family.    

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Am sad that my life experience with Kerry was dogged with not one, but (clearly, from her letters) many unfortunate series of events.  Looking over the letters, what she says & how she says it, can see why we'd be at such total communications loggerheads.  Maybe someday we will be able to reimagine family in a way that can include the other.  Maybe someday she might experience me as less Lemony Snicket, more SARK. 

Image result for susan ariel rainbow kennedy sark

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