Monday, August 4, 2014

who ya gonna call? myth buster!

The more I talk to folks who are the youngest in their family, the more convinced I am that the universally accepted "the youngest are spoiled rotten" meme is more or less a myth.  

Am astonished at how many youngest kids felt far from welcomed by older sibs, how many bore the brunt of providing family support, including but hardly limited to being the primary, even sole caregiver for aging parents.  

Maybe it's more pronounced when there's a significant gap between the youngest & older sibs, but found it can also a phenom for youngest kids with brothers & sisters as close in age as toddlers to their newborn.

Am getting seriously curious about all this.  

Gotta admit this is one of the things I truly madly deeply love about my life - the variety!  As a side interest, am engaged in debunking the myth of "youngest kids are spoiled rotten" while, on the professional front, am immersed in developing ways to disperse the vast variety of disempowering myths around aging.  

Little ol' myth buster, me!

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